We have been friends for over a decade, but the last year has been especially bright for me. In contrast, I know this last year has been less than stellar for you personally. You have shown amazing grace and strength through a really tough time, but at the same time you've been thoughtful, present, and reflective. I see the such strength in sitting with your emotions, processing your feelings, and being gracious to those in your life who may not deserve it.
You're a caring and engaged father. You should be proud of how well you care for your boys. Never have you let your own struggle fall on their shoulders, and I know it can be incredibly tiring to split your mind, being fully engaged and present with them, but partition off your pain that isn't theirs to bare. I see you, man, that's some fucking warrior shit.
I'm also SO proud of the personal sexual growth you've made. Stepping out there, heart on your sleeve, it's damn terrifying looking into the abyss and you did it with joy and abandon. I'm envious of your bravery, I know you're scared, but you face the fear and you conquered it.
There's something very human about the contrast of experiences you've trekked through this year. It's been a difficult trail, but, at times, a rewarding one. You've seen new vistas, you've seen old paths grow over, and you're moving on to new mountains. I'm stoked to take that trip with you.
Happy birthday Will, you're a king amongst men! So, pour yourself a whisky (I know it's the middle of the day, but it's your birthday, so fuck off Karen):